
Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Pria menarik


        1. Merdeka.com - Para wanita pasti sering bertanya-tanya mengenai pria yang mereka sukai. Tak jarang tingkah pria menjadi tak bisa dipahami dan sangat sulit dimengerti oleh wanita. Terkadang apa yang ada dalam pikiran wanita tentang pria bisa saja banar, namun bisa jadi sangat salah.
        2.  Pria suka wanita yang melakukan 'first move' 
Merdeka.com - Melakukan pendekatan duluan (first move) bukan berarti wanita harus bersikap gampangan dan langsung menyerahkan dirinya pada pria. Wanita bisa saja menyapa pria duluan atau memberikan senyuman untuknya. Pria sebenarnya suka ketika mereka merasa 'digoda' oleh wanita. Faktanya, pria sering menggunakan kesempatan itu untuk melakukan langkah pendekatan selanjutnya pada wanita.

3. Tak masalah jual mahal, asal jangan berlebihan  Merdeka.com - Ini sebenarnya adalah trik lama yang diajarkan pada wanita. Bersikap jual mahal memang bisa membuat pria tertarik, namun sayangnya interpretasi jual mahal antara pria dan wanita sungguh berbeda. Bagi wanita, jual mahal berarti menolak pria terus-terusan di awal kencan, baru kemudian bersedia bersamanya. Namun bagi pria, tak begitu cara mainnya. Yang bisa membuat pria penasaran adalah ketika seorang wanita mengakui daya tariknya, namun menahannya dan tidak menunjukkan apapun. Ini berhubungan dengan alur yang lambat, bukan penolakan.

4. Pria juga tak suka dinilai berdasarkan materi Merdeka.com - Banyak wanita yang tak suka jika pria hanya memperhatikan sisi fisik dan kecantikan untuk menilai mereka. Namun hal yang sama juga berlaku bagi pria. Mereka juga tak ingin wanita melihat mereka hanya dari segi fisik atau jumlah uang yang mereka miliki.

5. Pria tak bisa membaca pikiran Merdeka.com - Semua pria pasti setuju bahwa wanita perlu tahu hal ini: "Pria tak bisa membaca pikiran, jadi katakan saja apa yang ada dalam pikiran kalian." Entah itu ketika kalian tak suka, jengkel, atau kalian ingin bermesraan. Menunggu pria melakukan hal yang yang hanya ada di pikiran wanita tanpa mengatakannya adalah hal yang buang-buang waktu. Wanita hanya akan kecewa nantinya.

6. Tawa adalah foreplay ala priaMerdeka.com - yang sesungguhnya. Namun berbicara tentang olahraga dan tertawa adalah cara pria untuk menemukan wanita yang cocok dengannya. Jika wanita bisa mengimbangi pria dalam dua hal ini, kemungkinan wanita tersebut akan memenangkan harinya. Lagipula, pria tahu dia juga harus melakukan hal-hal yang 'kecewek-cewekan' seperti berbelanja atau nonton film romantis saat bersama pasangannya nanti.

7. Pria lebih sensitif masalah penampilan Merdeka.com - Wanita berpikir mereka satu-satunya makhluk yang sangat peduli penampilan dan bisa rendah diri jika penampilan mereka diejek. Namun faktanya, pria juga mengalami hal ini. Mereka bahkan lebih sensitif masalah penampilan dibandingkan wanita. Bedanya, pria tak akan mengumbar rasa tak percaya diri mereka pada pasangan dan tak akan bertanya pada pasangan seperti ketika wanita bertanya "Aku kelihatan gemuk, tidak?" pada kekasihnya.

8. Telepon tak berarti naksir. Merdeka.com - Kebanyakan wanita langsung geer ketika seorang pria menelepon mereka. Padahal menelepon belum tentu menunjukkan bahwa pria naksir wanita. Terkadang pria hanya ingin ngobrol dan bercakap-cakap. Pria juga merasakan hal ini. Mereka seringkali merasakan tekanan dan harapan yang besar dari wanita ketika mereka memutuskan untuk menelepon mereka.

 9. Mengatakan cinta tidak mudah. Merdeka.com - Semua wanita pasti ingin mendengar kata-kata cinta dari pria. Namun mengatakan cinta sebenarnya adalah langkah besar bagi seorang pria. Seringkali wanita membuat illfeel pria dengan terus memaksanya mengatakan cinta. Jika pria memang ingin mengatakannya, dia akan mengatakannya sendiri dengan kesungguhan.

 10. Mengenalkan pada temannya adalah hal penting. Merdeka.com - Jika wanita dikenalkan pada teman-teman seorang pria, itu artinya dia memiliki arti penting bagi pria tersebut. Jika pria tak segera mengenalkan kalian pada teman-temannya atau setidaknya saudaranya, maka bisa dipastikan bahwa dia masih memiliki keraguan pada kalian.

Itulah beberapa fakta pria yang sebaiknya diketahui oleh wanita. Jadi, sekarang wanita tak perlu bingung lagi dengan perilaku pria, atau ketika perilaku mereka tak mendapatkan respon yang diharapkan dari para pria tersebut.

Sumber: http://www.merdeka.com/gaya/10-fakta-menarik-tentang-pria-yang-harus-diketahui-wanita/mengenalkan-pada-temannya-adalah-hal-penting.html

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Tugas Softkill Bulan Pertama

1. Conditional Sentence

Exercise : 21
Page : 97

1.  Henry talks to his dog as if it understood him.

2.  If they had left the house earlier, they wouldnt've been so late getting to the airport that they could not check their baggage.

3.  If i finish the dress before saturday, I will give it to my sister for her birthday.

4.  If i had seen the movie, I would tell you about it last night.

5. Had Bob not interfered in his sister's marital problems, there would've been peace between them

6. he would give you the money if he had it.

7. I wish they stopped making so much noise that i could concentrate

8. She would call you immediately if she needed help.

9. Had they arrived at the sale early, they would've found a better selection.

10. We hope that you enjoyed the party last night.

11. If you have enough time, please paint the cahir before you leave.

12. We could go for a drive if today were saturday.

13. If she wins the prize, it'll be because she writes very well.

14. Mike wished that the editors had permitted him to copy some of their material.

15. Joel wishes that he had spent his vacation on the gulf coast next year.

16. I will accept if they invite me to the party.

17. If your mother buys that car for you , will you be happy ?

18. If he had decided earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.

19. Had we known your address, we would've written you a letter.

20. If the roofer doesn't come soon, the rain will leak inside.

21. Because rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she had studied harder last night.

22. My dog always wakes me up if he hears strange noises.

23. If you see mary today, please ask her to call me.

24. If he gets the raise, it'll be because he does a good job.

25. The teacher will not accept our work if we turn it in late.

26. Mrs. Wood always talks to her tenth-grade students as though they were adults.

27. If he had left already, he would've called us.

28. If they had known him, they would've talked to him.

29. He would understand it if you explained it to him more slowly.

30. I could understand the french teacher if she spoke more slowly.

2. Adverb, Adjective, comparison

excercise : 26
page : 107

1.Rita plays the violin well.

2. That is an intense novel.

3. The sun is shinning brightly.

 4. The girls speak fluent french.

5. The boys speak spanish fluently.

6. The table has smooth surface.

 7. We must figure our income tax returns accurately.

8. We don't like to drink bitter tea.

9. The plane will arrive soon.

10. He had an accident because he was driving too fast.

exercise : 27
page : 109

 1. Your cold sounds terrible.

2. The pianist plays very well.

3. The food in the restaurant always taste good.

4. The campers remained calm despite the thunderstorm.

5. They became sick after eating the contaminated food.

 6. Professor calandra looked qiuckly at the students sketches.

7. Paco was working diligently on the project.

8. Paul protested vehemently about the new proposals.

9. Our neighbours appeared relaxed after their vacation.

10. The music sounded too noisy to be classical.

exercise : 28
page : 114

 1. John and his friends left as soon as the professor had finished his lecture

2. His job is more important than his friends

3. He plays the guitar as well as Andres segovia.

4. A new house is much more expensive than an older one

5. Last week was as hot as this week

6. Martha is more talented than her cousin

7. Bill's description are more colorful than his wife's

8. Nobody is happier than maria elena

9. The boys felt worse than the girls about losing the game

10. A greyhound runs faster than a chihuahua

exercise : 29 
page : 114

1. The Empire State Building is taller than the statue of Liberty.

2. California is farther from New York then pennsylvania.

3. His assignment is different from mine.

4. louie reads more quickly than his sisters.

5. No animal is so big as King kong.

6. That report is less impressive than the government's.

7. Sam wears the same shirt as his teammates.

8. Dave paint much more realistically than his proffesor.

9. The twins have less money at the end of the month than they have at the beginning.

10. Her sports car is different from Nancy's.

exercise : 30
page : 117

1. Of the four dresses, i like red one better .

 2. Phil is happiest person that we know.

3.Pat's car is faster than Dan's.

4. This is the creamist ice cream i've had in a long time.

5. This poster is more colourful than the one in the hall.

6. Does fred feel better today than he did yesterday ?

7. This vegetable soup tastes very good.

8. While trying to balance the baskets on her head, the woman walked more awkwardly than her daughter.

9. Jane is the least athletic of all women.
10 -

11. This summary is the best of the pair.

12. Your heritage is differrent from mine.

13. This painting is less impressive than the one in the other gallery.

14. The colder the weather gets the sicker i feel.

15. No sooner had he receive the letter than he called maria.

16. A mink coat cost twice more than a sable coat.

17. Jim has as few opportunities to play tennis as i.

18. The recipe calls for much more sugar than mine does.

19. The museum is the farthest away of the three buildungs.

20. George washington is more famous than john jay.